If you recognize the fungus on the feet, in the initial phase, and the time from the start of treatment, there is a high possibility of faster recovery, by using a smaller amount of the antifungal drugs which in the most part, they represent a danger to your health (especially your liver) during the time that the document was received. Unfortunately, it is not always, and not everyone gets the time to respond, the first bell is the emergence of fungal defeat, as well as the symptoms in the initial stages it is very similar to the impact on the skin manifestation. The familiar feeling of when he found a speck of yellow on the studs and plate at the toe of the foot, and the first thoughts that pop into your head, anything, cut, grow, healthy, pure, nail, or hit it in any spot, it'll be over soon. Or it was a small, scaling in the interdigital folds, 90% of which are assigned to the skin, and they have to deal with the moisturizer. And here is the point behind all of these "harmless" expressions are often a hiding place for all of the well-known-and hated-fungus the feet.
The triggers and sources of infection

Pregnancy can be a cause of the development of fungal diseases, such as the women's, during this time, you will experience a sharp decrease in immunity and the violation of the hormone.
The fungus on the feet, as with many diseases, it is not able to develop itself to them in the first place, and the progress that is required is a conducive environment. There are a number of factors, and the products of the disease, leading to the onset of the disease:
- the dramatic reduction in immunity;
- in the absence, or violation of the personal hygiene;
- the increase of the transpiration;
- diabetes mellitus;
- with the obesity.
- flat feet;
- a disease of the blood vessels of the lower limbs;
- a permanent, abrasion and the wound;
- operating from intervention, and the t. d. d.
We have listed the most popular causes for the appearance of mold, feet, but even a poor diet or the prolonged intake of antibiotics can also be the cause of the development of mycoses.
The infection most often occurs after the use of the shoes of the sick person, or a visit to the public toilets. Over the past few years, it also celebrated the fast-growing distribution of yeasts by means of a nail. The sources of infection, and this can still be attributed to:
- products on personal care for a person (washcloth, pumice stone);
- the things of an infected person (socks, stockings, shoes, slippers, slip);
- sex (especially of wood) in the bath, emotional showers, gym.
The cause of the fungus in the feet is very resistant to the environment, and they differ in the fact that it can last for a very long time, and to be latent in the wood, towels and sheets provided, half-hearted way. In the period of aggravation in the spring and fall.
How to recognize a fungus in the foot at such an early stage?

Here, the seasoned dermatologists recommend that you pay attention not only to external but also to internal signals. He drew attention to what they're all going to a day spa, swimming pools, and sunbathe on the beach, but in the fungus infected only by isolated individuals? The fact is that, the development of which is necessary for a conducive environment for reduction of the resistance of the body. Such a condition may occur when there are co-morbidities or recently-migrated-from the processing of the events, which have been used in the antibiotics, or hormonal medication.
Now, we're going to talk about the emergence of the fungus on the skin of the feet. The main symptoms include the following:
- the cracks in the interdigital folds;
- with the peel between the fingers;
- the tightening of the skin of the heel;
- coming out of the skin of the feet, the fingers, and
- the strain feettof evye plaques (thickening or thinning);
- the change in colour of the nail (yellow, brown, black);
- the redness and swelling to stop
- the appearance of red spots in your thighs and the underside of the foot;
- the form of flakes over the entire surface of the foot;
- itching of different intensity (depending on the location of the pathogen);
- a foul odor (most often seen in people who suffer from the most attlivostd).
When the deep mycoses can occur on the onset of blisters, scabs, and cracks, which are accompanied by severe itching and pain as well as sensations. In some cases, the focus of the injury, they are in places where, due to the heavy pain of the head, there is no possibility of a make-up. This may cause a temporary loss of work capacity, and mobility issues.
Selection and classification of
As you may already know, plants can be caused by many different pathogens, on the basis of this, it may vary depending upon the location of the foci of the lesions. Most often, the fungus on the feet can also be referred to as:
- depmatomicose;
- candido has recently;
- the deep mycoses.
The plants to stop today, they are considered as independent diseases caused by different pathogens and must be located in different areas of the foot, but all of them are combined into one title, and the fungus on the feet. The most common are:
- Rubrofitiya stop. About 60% of all the yeasts to stop. It is highly contagiassostd, and the prevalence among certain segments of the population. The initial phase rubromikoza-stop feature the defeat of the folds between the fingers and toes. Later on in the process that is involved, the sole and the inside of the foot. With the defeat of feettof evye plastic when rubrofitii was observed in every third patient. It is often combined with a fungus on his hands, especially when generalized, rubromikoze.
- Epidermo plants. They relate to each other directly, the two different disease – Epidermofitiya stop and Epidermofitiya inguinal-femoral folds. In both cases, the foci of the lesions are found on the legs. Epidermofitii-stop typical of a defeat, the folds in between the toes, on the soles and on the posterior part of the foot. On very rare occasions, the process of perequedivetXia on the nail (it is usually the V and the I with the finger of the foot). The foci of the lesions are covered with scales, and fried chicken. It is to this itch of different intensities. In more severe cases, patients may experience general discomfort, and headaches. Inguinal Epidermofitiya it manifests itself in the form of a large, flaky patches on the groin, on the side, inside of the legs, upper thighs, and perianal. The foci of the lesions may reach the size of a large plate, accompanied by mild itching, peeling and swelling.
- The onychomycosis. Each year, the prevalence of fungal infections of the finger nails to grow. It's only now (according to the statistics, over half of 2016), I 10-18% of the russians are diagnosed onychomycosis the nails of varying degrees of severity. A major role in its development plays the environmental and social factors. They are also at risk-people who have a problem with the circulatory, immune, and endocrine system. The men suffering from it in 1,3 times more than women. In children onychomycosis rare, and the peak prevalence is in persons between the ages of 50 and 70 years of age.
- KandanddUzzah. It's rare, but still are dialed in case of an injury of the foot by the fungus Candida. In some cases Kandanddozny баланоatсtandt can be spread to the sexual organs in the perianal area, and inguinal-thigh folds. A little bit more dрожжеatdabnie the mushrooms that are found in the nails. In the initial stage, it is observed that the pain is from the nail bed to the couch, as soon as the pressure in which it was set. Over time, its color gets brown shade brown.
There is also rubrofitiya gentle on the skin, but the focus of the injury, when it is usually on the lower legs. And here's rubromikozu in the groin area is typical of a loss inside of the upper legs (red spots).
The treatment and prevention of
The diagnosis of the fungus on the feet and includes the inspection of the clinical picture, taken from the water, with the focus of the lesion, performing a microscopic examination (are located the filament of the mycelium, and bacterial seeding to the definition of a culture of the fungus. Before going to the doctor is not you can deal with the focus of the injury in any means! The differential diagnosis is carried out with an eczema rash and contact dermatitis.
The treatment Epidermofitii, and rubrofitii in the crotch and is held in the open air of the drug, more often than not, the Clotrimazole). It is expected to be positive, and for the duration of the processing of the events is rarely more than a month's time. As for prevention, it is recommended that the treatment of the main focuses of the injury спandрtCCAdержащandмand mud, if you have the itch, they can be referred to as the anti-histamines.

The more difficult the situation has recently to stop and онandхоmicose, as well as even in the early stage, they are very difficult to treat and tend to recur. The most effective is considered to be the combination of the outer and of the system of the drug, and the strict adherence to the dosage, health care, and of the rules of sanitation. Very good taste mix of dandфлюKanа capsules and terbinafine in the form of an ointment (a treatment of the focuses of the injury to 2π/d within a period of one month. A lot of attention, as the fungus in the feet is given to the treatment of shoes and socks, that could be the cause of a relapse. Socks, in preference to boiling or washing at a temperature of 90 degrees, the soles and shoes inside of of of you you you you you should treat it with a solution of chlorhexidine.
And the most important thing to remember is that, today, the fungus is on your feet, was discovered in its early stages, is highly treatable with modern drugs, but with the implementation of the onychomycosis and the mosses, the stop can be addressed months or even years.